‘Lipstick is a Spiritual Experience'
Collection of Sarah's poetry and music, read by the author herself.
Engaging and thought provoking.
Listen online or purchase for download.
"Be careful, it's contagious" — Civil Servant
"Enigmatic, enlightening, a bit of sparkle juice for your day" — Graphic Designer
"I found it worked particularly well with St John of the Cross" — Hermit
"If you believe you have no interest in poetry whatsoever... then I challenge you to one evening with Ms de Nordwall. Sarah de Nordwall's poetry is not one-sided, it is a conversation evoking a response from the audience/listener in a way that will leave you laughing, thinking and wondering to yourself... could I?" — Direct Payment Support Adviser and artist
"Hilarious and thought provoking observations on life, relationships and the universe..." — Marketing Manager at the London Stock Exchange

50 poems for my 50th: A Beginner's Guide to Opening the World with Words
This collection of poetry is available in paperback or as an audiobook
"Sarah's poetry opens up opportunities within me. Every time I read something that she has written, I feel inspired to grab a pen and a piece of paper and just see what happens. I especially love the way her poetry invites us into a dialogue. It's impossible for me to simply read her poems in a passive manner... every single one of her poems is an invitation to join in the adventure.
Before I met Sarah I wouldn't have said that I was a poet... but she has inspired and encouraged me to write... and now, whenever I find myself having birthed a fresh poem, one of my first thoughts is always 'I simply MUST share this with Sarah!'" — Helen Munt, singer songwriter
"50 poems for My 50th by Sarah de Nordwall. Spirited, provocative, tender and personal, these poems by the founder of the Bard School are a delight, reminding those with jaded appetites that the world is full of wonder and the task of poetry is to open our eyes to the mysterious beauty surrounding us. Composed after visiting places as far apart as Nova Scotia, a Croatian island and ultra-orthodox Jerusalem, these zany yet insightful lyrics are a constant invitation to leave one's treadmill and celebrate the imaginative and spiritual life within." — Francis Phillips, Catholic Herald
"It's so feel good! I knew I was smiling as I was reading it! And hilarious.. the hermits... it was absolutely great. I'd go back and read it again. Once I started with the hermits I couldn't stop... that story I'm going to read out loud to my daughter. It's just hilarious"
— Bernadette Barratt.
"Sarah's poetry is very original, full of surprises and beautiful images. Reading it is like being perched on 'Jacob's ladder pitched betwixt Heaven and Charing Cross' to quote from Francis Thompson. Her poetry can be mysterious, sad, funny or joyful - sometimes all in one poem. The book is a moving journey into inner space."
— Daphne K, Author of 12 steps with Jesus
Poetry Opens the World — Creative Response Packs
To enable a creative, prayerful and active response to Rhapsodic theatre pieces by Sarah de Nordwall with a view to encouraging fresh insights and initiatives.
Each downloadable pack contains:
- a broadcast standard recording of poems and scenes with original music
- a copy of the script
- 5 worksheets and session plans -
- To understand the meaning of the poetic and theatrical piece
- initial questions
- reflections by other young adults to consider
- To engage in a creative response
- Improvisation exercises
- drawing
- writing-writing exercises
- To engage in an intellectual response
- essay questions
- Thinking tools suggested by the P4C approach
- To engage in an action-orientated response
- Devise and evaluate a project in response to the insights gained
- To understand the meaning of the poetic and theatrical piece
- To engage in a prayerful response
- lectio divina style question structure
- Reflection with relevant Scriptures

Resource 1: ‘The Lifestyle Store’
A resource about calling and fulfillment
Broadcast-Quality MP3, £4.00
Worksheets will be available to download shortly

Resource 2: ‘The Universe was not at Home’
A resource about when we feel at home in the universe and when we don't
Broadcast-Quality MP3, £4.00
Scripts (free)
Initial Responses Worksheet, £2.00
Creative Response Worksheet, £2.00
Intellectual Response Worksheet, £2.00
Prayerful Response Worksheet, £2.00
The worksheets are adaptable to the needs of many types of Groups:
The sessions can all be adapted to suit the needs and goals of your group.
They have already been used with a variety of groups from:
- Adults in Career Change
- Adults and Young people on Retreat
- Young Adults in Church
- Young Adults in University or chaplaincy
- Executives in Learning at Work Weeks
- Creatives in Professional development
- Elderly people in Creative Environments.
- Vulnerable adults in transitional care
- School Children from Year 10 and upwards
Bespoke Materials created for Your Group for £25 when booking a workshop after an initial free consultation.
The materials are recommended as supplementary to Sarah coming in to your group, college, church or workplace to both perform the pieces and lead a workshop.
Your facilitators can then use these materials to continue the sessions and broaden and develop the work that has begun. I look forward to seeing the fruits of your creative work and inspiring projects, so that I can feature them on the blog.