
Poem 3 Time Will Tell  – with Joe and Roisin

Poem 3 Time Will Tell – with Joe and Roisin

So after a weekend off enjoying the Evangelium conference in the very school where Tolkien wrote some of the Lord of the Rings! We entered the black room to pay hommage. Apparently his son taught there for a while and so Tolkien and his wife came to visit their son.. But now to Joe and…

Women who Swim with the Huskies

How I found blogging material in Hyde Park this morning. My friend John Williams has inspired me to start blogging again, as a way to move towards writing another book, so at 6.45am I set out to re-inspire myself with my i phone 4 and my swim suit. I’d always thought that wild water swimming…


In Asia, warriors do calligraphy. They know that beauty Is an act of war. A great assault against the darkness of impenetrability Against the chaos And the tearing of the word. And here in Europe, also When the spiritual warriors Held the quill And with each stroke Marked out the place Where Light could dwell…

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